Beyond the apparent functions of helping your child chew and speak, baby teeth play an essential role in the future development of your little one's smile. Serving as placeholders, the deciduous, or "first set" of teeth, help maintain space for a child's permanent teeth and guide the erupting ones into the proper place.
One thing to also keep in mind is that baby teeth can develop cavities just like their permanent successors. It's even more reason to help your baby maintain good oral care from the earliest age, and the time your little one's first tooth comes into place.
What is nursing bottle caries?
"Nursing bottle caries" or "baby bottle tooth decay" refer to widespread childhood cavities that develop in some infants and toddlers. It's due to \ the presence of harmful sugar-metabolizing bacteria in the oral cavity and prolonged exposure to sweetened liquids such as breast milk, baby formula, or juices. Nursing bottle caries often occurs in babies who sleep with a bottle of milk or juice still in their mouths.
While the condition may affect multiple teeth to varying extents, it is most prevalent in the front teeth on the upper jaw. Besides the loss of tooth structure and visible brown decayed areas, Nursing bottle caries can produce pain and infection. At this time, getting your baby back on the road to oral health is essential.
Treating nursing bottle caries
With skilled attention and timely care from our office, you can help get your child back on the road to oral health while protecting their overall well-being. Our pediatric dentist provides the experienced, compassionate care children affected by nursing bottle caries require.
Treatment includes resolving infections, addressing tooth decay, and restoring teeth with fillings or crowns. Any non-restorable baby teeth will get removed to prevent further problems, and space for the unerupted permanent teeth will be maintained wherever needed. Depending on the situation, we may recommend sedation for your little one to complete their work.
Preventive steps you can take
The good news is that nursing bottle caries are entirely preventable. Remember to make certain that your little ones don't sleep with a bottle of milk or juice in their mouths. Remember, water is a healthy substitute.
You can also help reduce the risk of tooth decay by cleaning your child's teeth and gums after every feeding, rinsing pacifiers and toys in clean water, brushing their teeth, and limiting the consumption of sugary or acidic food and drinks.
Of course, a nutritious diet, good oral care, and partnering with a pediatric dentist will support your child's ongoing oral health.